Fellow mommas, we have grown to over 4,000 women online! In May we held our annual Mother's Day Weekend event, Chosen Moms. It was a day full of laughter, fun, giveaways, education, and heartfelt tears. Moms from all over Midwest City, Choctaw, Del City, and Oklahoma City came together to be reminded of one thing: our motherhood in it's high and lows is not a mistake. We are not a mistake. Each of us are chosen by God, the Father of Jesus Christ and you and I, to be the mother of our children.
Even though I (Malana) am the founder of Midwest City Moms and the Chosen Moms Event, I have never written one personal article for this audience. In over a year of serving moms in Eastern Oklahoma County, I have done my best to elevate the stories of other moms just like you to encourage you, strengthen you, and comfort you in this very very challenging and sacrificial task of birthing and raising children. I have four children, currently seven years and younger- one girl and three rambuncious boys. Let's just say my house is a little choatic. I work from home and live in a small 1950's house in Midewst City with only one bathroom for six people (hopefully not for much longer if I can help it!). I have been married for ten years to the love of my life, Travis, and I love my Oklahoma community.

Motherhood has not been an easy journey for me. It has not been a gentle journey. It's not at all what I expected nor was prepared for. I am literally not an expert in any sense! In fact, I feel the weakest in my motherhood. Just like many of you, I am trying my best to give my children more than I had in my childhood and form them into godly, servant-hearted adults with the hope that (one day) they will have a healthy marriage and children of their own.
As time goes on, I plan to share more about my personal journey in motherhood and share the tools and insight the Lord has helped me in to be able to persevere in motherhood even though at times I felt like I couldn't go on. Like many of you, I had to learn to show up as best as I could while battling and healing from trauma, insecurities, relationship problems, and just plain not having any idea how to do this thing. I can say now that it does get better. It does get easier. And there is a time where motherhood really does become enjoyable and a blessing in your life.
Motherhood is a heavy heavy load. It's a load that we sacrifice for but don't see the rewards right away. It costs us sleep, time, energy, emotions, money, faith, focus and heartache. It's uncomfortable but also sets us at a place of honor. Mothers pay a high price to fulfill one of the greatest and more significant duties of history- building the next generation that will one day lead this world. You, mommas, are the ones (alongside present fathers) who help form the future leaders of our world and therefore directly impact the future of this world. How amazing is that? But if you're like me, it also can be a pressure.

It's in those moments where I have to remind myself, and hopefully can remind you as well, that though we are chosen by God, He's not going to leave us to fend for ourselves and "figure it out" on our own. He's willing to give us help, wisdom, and help from heaven to help us complete this lofty task we have been assigned. This beautiful mess that even Jesus' mother had to walk through in the unknown, in the fear, in the pressure, in being misunderstood, and by faith that if she was chosen- God was going to have her back to see it through.
I am so honored that you have joined this comunity and I pray it has brought value to your lives. I look forward to sharing more and can't wait to hear the stories of moms who have been touched by the content of this platform. It's no coincidence you are here. As you can see I am a firm believer in Jesus because I literally cannot do this without Him. I tried and failed. Much of our content is faith-based, but do know that even if you may have different beliefs, you are still welcome here.
Until next time mommas, I leave you this blessing: May God bless you and keep you. May He cause His face to shine upon you every time He sees you just as a mother greets her infant with a smile. May He get excited to see you and this gives you peace that He knows you and loves you- all of you. May you be blessed as the countless women in the Bible before us- Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, Deborah, Esther, Ruth, Mary mother of Jesus, Lydia, Tryphaena and Tryphosa, and Persis. May the Lord be with you forever as He promises. May He bless your motherhood and your future generations.
-Malana Bracht, Founder of MWC Moms
